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Roll-Off Dumpster Now Available For Yard Waste


G&G Garbage has generously donated a 30-foot roll-off dumpster in which residents of Richey can dispose of their yard waste. It is located behind the Town Office and will be available until full.

THIS CONTAINER IS FOR ORGANIC YARD WASTE ONLY:  clean clippings, yard trimmings, garden waste, branches, leaves, etc. It will be delivered to the Glendive Landfill, where the contents will be mulched. Please cut up branches and limbs into smaller sections.

Please DO NOT dump any of the following items into the trailer:

  • Metal
  • Furniture
  • Appliances
  • Tires
  • Construction debris
  • “Regular” household trash
  • Soil or manure
  • Toxic or radioactive items, or chemical containers

The Town hopes to make this service available once or twice a year going forward, but it will depend on everyone following the above guidelines. If prohibited items are thrown in the dumpster, the entire container could be rejected by the landfill and returned to Richey. If that were to happen, or if this opportunity is abused in some other way, the Town will be unable to offer this service again.

Let’s all work together to make this a success! If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at (406) 773–5634. Thanks!