Recent News
The Town of Richey's staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact the Town Office, and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up-to-the-minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox or mobile phone.
Donations to Little Royal Park & Richey Volunteer Services
Thank you to Stockman Bank for your generous donations totaling $264.00 to the Little Royal Park! We are happy to announce that the Town of Richey received a $3000.00 grant from MDU also for the Little Royal Park. And a huge thank you to Mid-Rivers for a $500.00 donation to both the Richey Volunteer Ambulance Service and the Richey Volunteer Fire Department!
Notice of Possible Quorum on October 22
Please see the notice of possible quorum on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 posted below.
Job Posting for Town of Richey Municipal Clerk/Treasurer
Please see the attached job posting for the Town of Richey's Municipal Clerk/Treasurer position. An application and full job description may be picked up at the Richey Town Office, by e-mailing, or by contacting Mayor Brown at (406) 979-5558.
Montana Main Street Program Community Meeting on November 4
The Richey community is invited to a session featuring Micky Zurcher of the Montana Main Street Program on Monday, November 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Center. Ms. Zurcher will discuss resources available to help us grow, to enhance economic vitality, and to maintain our local historic integrity, quality of life, and sense of place. Please see the session flyer and letter to the community, which are both linked below, for more information.
Monthly Town Council Meeting, and Final Capital Improvements Plan Public Hearing, both on October 8
The Richey Town Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office/Fire Hall. A link to the agenda is provided below.
West Side Construction Update and Water Outage
On Tuesday, October 1, the block of 2nd Street West between Royal Ave. and Elk Ave. will be blocked off for the day.
Homecoming Parade Street Closures
Royal Ave. East and Main Street (between Royal Ave. and Railroad Ave.) will be closed from 10:00 a.m. to around 11:30 a.m. on Friday, September 27, for the Homecoming Parade.
Garbage Update for This Week
Due to water construction, garbage totes will be picked up in the alleyways or adjacent streets running east to west for residents on 1st Street East and 1st Street West. The other streets should be open with normal garbage placement.
1st Street East Water Outage Scheduled for Wednesday, September 25
The water will be off tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25, from 8:15 am to around 2:00 pm to switch the residents on 1st Street East over to the new water mains. This planned outage will affect only those residents on 1st Street East.
Water Main Construction Update and Reminders
This weekend, Easton will continue cleaning up 1st and 2nd Streets East, although curb stops on 1st Street East will remain dug up until the final switchover to the new water mains, which is tentatively scheduled for next Thursday, September 26. Residents on 1st Street East should be prepared for the water to be turned off for most of that day like it was this past Thursday. We will send out a reminder/update about this next week.
Water Outage Scheduled for Thursday, September 19
The water will be off tomorrow, Thursday, September 19, from 8:15 am to around 4:00 pm to switch the residents on 2nd Street East over to the new water mains.