The Town has recieved many complaints of unkept and cluttered properties. In order to mediate the issues, the Town needs to follow nuisance remediation procedure. Nuisance petitions can be signed at the Town Office, or you can contact/email Town Administrators. Office email - clerk@richeymt.org. The Sanitarian will review the petitions and property for the next step of the process.
7.04.010 Nuisance: defined: Anything which is injurious to the health or morals, or indecent or offensive to the sense or an obstruction to the free use of property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property is a nuisance.
7.04.050 Destruction of Buildings: The town council has the authority to declare any building to be a nuisance which in the opinion of the town council is so dilapidated or in such condition as to menace the public health or safety of the persons or property; and to cause the destruction or removal of the same at the expense of the parties creating, causing, committing or maintaining, said buildings or property. The town may levy a special assessment on the land or premises where on the nuisance is situated to defray the cost or to reimburse the town for the cost of abating the same as provided for in Section 82-1222 of the Revise Codes of Montana.