Roll-Off Container Now Available For Yard Waste
To support the Town's upcoming annual clean-up week, a 30-foot roll-off dumpster in which residents of Richey can dispose of their yard waste is now available behind the Town Office.
THIS CONTAINER IS FOR UNBAGGED ORGANIC YARD WASTE ONLY: clean clippings, yard trimmings, garden waste, branches, leaves, etc. It will be delivered to the Glendive Landfill, where the contents will be mulched. Please cut up branches and limbs into smaller sections.
Please DO NOT dump any of the following items into the container:
- Metal
- Furniture
- Appliances
- Tires
- Construction debris
- “Regular” household trash
- Soil or manure
- Toxic or radioactive items, or chemical containers
Please remember that if prohibited items are thrown into the container, it could be rejected by the landfill and returned to Richey. So let’s all work together to make this a success! If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at (406) 773–5634. Thanks!