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Two Public Hearings and Town Council Special Meeting on June 25


The Richey Town Council will hold two public hearings on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Office/Fire Hall.

The first Public Hearing will be held for the purpose of receiving public input on the Town’s proposal to update its ordinance pertaining to the water and sewer systems and the provision of water, sewer, and garbage collection services.

The second Public Hearing will be held for the purpose of receiving public input on the Town’s proposal to implement new and revised water and sewer rates and charges.

Immediately following the two Public Hearings, the Town Council will hold a Special Meeting to take action on the utilities ordinance updates and on the proposal to implement new and revised water and sewer rates and charges.

Full details regarding the two Public Hearings are included in the linked public notice below. Also linked below are the Special Meeting notice, the DRAFT updated utilities ordinance, and the DRAFT resolution for the new and revised water and sewer rates and charges. A copy of all these documents can also be obtained by contacting the Town Office at (406) 773-5634. Thanks!

Town of Richey Public Hearing Notices - June 2024

Notice of June 25 Town Council Special Meeting

2024 REVISED Utilities Ordinance - 06-25-2024 Public Hearing DRAFT

Resolution #2024-09 (06-25-2024) - New and Revised Water and Sewer Rates DRAFT