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Water Main Project - Construction Update


On Monday morning, August 19, COP Construction began replacing one block of water main on Railroad Ave. (Highway 254) between Main Street and 1st Street East. The construction work is expected last about one week. This means that Railroad Ave. from 2nd Street East to 2nd Street West will be completely closed to traffic during this time. In addition, 1st Street East between Antelope Ave. and Railroad Ave. will be closed to through traffic, as COP will be staging its construction equipment behind the Fire Hall and Town Shop.

The link below shows the road closures and detour routes. Please plan ahead if you will be driving near these areas, or avoid them altogether, if possible. As always, please use extra caution around the road closure areas and the construction site itself to help ensure your safety and that of the workers. Please note that this is a separate project from the more extensive water main replacements that will begin around September 1 on 2nd Streets East and West, and on 1st Streets East and West.

Railroad Ave. Road Closure Map - Week of August 19