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UPDATE on Phase 2 Water Main Replacement Project


We are now a little more than a week into construction, and Easton Companies/Grade A Civil has installed new water mains along 2nd Street East and dug up around the curb stops that will be replaced on that street. Easton has now begun to dig up the curb stops to be replaced on 1st Street East and may begin replacing mains there as early as Saturday.

Although 2nd Street East has been reopened to traffic, the curb stops there will remain dug up until they are connected to the new water mains. In the meantime, they are blocked off by earthen piles and surrounded with orange fencing. Easton will still be doing some work off and on there, so please continue to be cautious if you need to use that street, and avoid driving there if possible. As work ramps up on 1st Street East, it will be partially or fully closed at different times.

For your safety and that of the workers, please respect all construction/road closure signs around Town. If possible, avoid driving around these areas, and use extra caution if you do need to travel near an active work zone. Parents, please especially let your children know to stay away from construction areas.

Again, unless something unexpected or unusual occurs, residents' water will NOT be affected or turned off during construction until the final switchover to the new mains, which should be a quick transition when it happens.

We will continue to provide updates via our website and on Facebook as the work progresses and if anything unexpected or unusual comes up. In the meantime, please call the Town Office at (406) 773-5634 if you have any questions. Thanks!