Welcome to the Town of Richey Town of Richey … A Great Place to Live!
In the Town of Richey, we are defined less by boundaries on a map than by the sense of shared values our residents hold dear. Small-town values, guided growth, and preservation of historical, cultural, and natural heritage are just a few of the core principles that make the Town of Richey a wonderful place to call home.
We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in the Montana coal endowment special revenue account.
Featured News
Three Town Council Positions Up For 2025 Election
MDU Awards Town of Richey with $3,000 Grant for Little Royal Park, Irrigation and Planter Garden Project
Town of Richey Council Meeting November Minutes
Town Council Approves Updated Open-Burning Ordinance
On September 9, the Richey Town Council approved updates to Ordinance Chapter 7.32, "Open Burning Regulations and Policy," to clarify both allowed and prohibited burning activities within Town limits, to mirror Dawson County's adoption of fire restrictions, and to align with state requirements. The...
Billing Changes Effective August 2024
As previously announced, on June 25th the Richey Town Council adopted a new utilities ordinance, which contains several new or revised fees that will take effect as of the August 2024 billing period, the bills for which will be mailed out early next week.
- NEW opt-in water customers who are not...
Stage 1 Fire Restrictions In Effect For Richey Starting July 27 at Noon
Dawson County will be entering into Stage 1 Fire Restrictions effective Saturday, July 27, at 12:00 p.m. The Town of Richey will follow suit with the same restrictions.
Pursuant to Town of Richey Ordinance Chapter 7.32, “Burning During Dry Weather,” during extreme dry weather, no...
Town Council Updates Two Traffic Ordinances
At its July 9, 2024, meeting, the Richey Town Council adopted the second reading of updates to two of the Town's traffic ordinances: Chapter 10.04, "Traffic Violations by Minors," and Chapter 10.12, "Driving in the Town of Richey." These revisions were made to align with Montana state law and...
Town Council Adopts Updated Utilities Ordinance and Revised Water/Sewer Service Rates
On June 25, 2024, the Richey Town Council formally adopted Ordinance Chapter 4.30, "Water and Sewer Systems and the Provision of Water, Sewer, and Garbage Collection Services." Apart from consolidating or rescinding 4 previous ordinances and 14 previous resolutions, the updated Ordinance lays the...
2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report Is Now Available
The Town of Richey has published its 2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, which is available at the link below. We are pleased to report that the Town had no violations.
Please contact the Town Office if you have any questions or if you wish to have a copy of the report. Thanks!
Town Council Considers Revisions to Various Ordinances
At its regular monthly meeting on June 11, the Richey Town Council adopted the second reading of revisions to Ordinance Chapter 12.04, "Street Closures," to delegate approval of street closure permits to the Town’s administration (instead of the Council) to make the process more timely...
Driving In Town Limits
NOTICE: Under Montana Code Annotated, a person may not operate/drive any motorized vehicle or off-highway/recreational vehicle on a public highway, road, street, or alleyway unless that person has a valid Montana driver’s license and the vehicle is also licensed and...
GRANT AWARD UPDATE: The Town of Richey Awarded Another $15,000 MCEP Planning Grant
The Town of Richey has been awarded a third Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP) planning grant for $15,000. This grant will be used to update the Water Preliminary Engineering Report for Phase III of the water infrastructure replacement project. Along with the two planning grants awarded earlier...
Some Important General Reminders
- Town Alerts: We strongly encourage everyone to sign up for e-mail and/or text alerts from the Town of Richey to stay up-to-date on general Town news and--more importantly--to receive any urgent messages or announcements that all residents should be aware of right away. It's free, quick, and...
Town of Richey Awarded $60,000 in MCEP Planning Grants
The Town of Richey has been awarded $60,000 in Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP) planning grants!
A grant for $40,000 will be used to complete a wastewater/sewer Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). Similar to the PERs created for the ongoing water main replacement project, this report will...
New Water, Sewer, and Bulk Water Rates Are Now In Effect
On October 10, 2023, the Richey Town Council approved the following increases to the Town's water, sewer, and bulk water rates. These increases represent the second half of an overall rate adjustment that was announced in mid-2022 to support the upcoming Phase 2 of the water system...
New Town of Richey Recycling Trailer
The town of richey's New Recycling Trailer WAS Purchased with Generous Donations From:
- Tri-County Implement
- McCone Electric Co-op
- Mid-Rivers Communications
- Grasslands Federal Credit Union
- Nortana Grain Co.
- Prairie Ag Co-op
- Big Sky Hardware, Lumber, and Grocery
- Richey FFA
The Town of...
Town of Richey 2022 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
The Town of Richey's Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2022 is available at the link below. It is also posted at the Post Office, Stockman Bank, Big Sky Hardware, and the Senior Citizens Center, and copies are available upon request from the Town Office.
Richey Town Council Adopts Resolutions for Enforcing Ordinances and for Re-establishing Town Judge
Earlier this month, the Richey Town Council adopted resolutions (see links below) to formalize a policy for enforcing local ordinances and to re-establish the Town's judge. These resolutions are part of an overall effort to ensure that the Town’s ordinances are applied consistently and fairly...
Richey Town Council Adopts Resolution for Building and Construction Permits
With summer projects in full swing, we have received many requests for building permits and just as many questions about the process for getting a building permit and why a permit is needed.
At its June 13, 2023, meeting, the Richey Town Council adopted Resolution #392, "Application for Property...
Phase 1 of the Water Main Replacement Project is Complete!
With the exception of a few minor follow-up items that will be addressed in the next few weeks, Phase 1 of the Town's water main replacement project is complete! Reaching this milestone was a multiyear process that could not have been accomplished without the efforts of the previous and current...
Town of Richey Awarded $500,000 Grant for Additional Water Main Replacement
The Town of Richey has been approved for a Montana Coal Endowment Program grant award in the amount of $500,000 to replace water mains. This funding will be applied to "Phase 2" of the water main replacement project. This grant, in addition to the Community Development Block Grant of $600,000...
Reminder About Outside Animals Within Town Limits
During the past few weeks, a number of residents have expressed concerns about the constant barking of dogs in town and about stray and/or aggressive animals wandering about. As a reminder, the Town of Richey has several long-standing ordinances in place covering both animals and public nuisances...
Town of Richey Awarded $600,000 Grant for Additional Water Main Replacement
The Town of Richey has been selected for a Community Development Block Grant award in the amount of $600,000 for replacing water mains. This funding will be applied to "Phase 2" of the water main replacement project.
Construction on "Phase 1" of the project, which encompasses Main Street (from...